Camp Communication

Important Numbers

Off-Season Camp Administrative Offices: 443-280-0340 
Camp On-Site Telephone Number: coming soon
Summer After Hours: 443-280-0340 

Emergency Cell Phone: 443-280-0340
Email: [email protected]
           [email protected]

When you should contact us:

  • Please email if your child will not be at camp that day.
  • Please email if someone else will be picking up your child. 
  • Please email if yoru child will need to arrive late or leave early for any reason. 

Emergencies must be called into the camp office.

Any changes that need to be communicated to parents will be done in one of three ways:

  • A flyer sent home in child's backpack. Please check backpacks daily.
  • An e-mail to parents. Please make sure to check e-mail nightly
  • A notification on our Facebook page 

E-mail is an excellent way to communicate with us!