Online Application 5785/2025

  • Please fill out the form below carefully.
  • When you press submit, this form will be sent to the camp office.
  • Camp personnel will contact you by email within one week of receiving
    your registration.
  • Payments can be made online (see our Online Payment Form) or mailed to:
    Camp Gan Israel, 770 Howes Lane, Columbia, MD 21044.
  • All campers will need a copy of their Immunization Records,
    Health Inventory Form and an Emergency Form before the first day of camp. 
    You can download a copy of these forms by clicking on the above links or by getting a copy from your child's school. Returning campers do not need a new Health Inventory Form. 

Camper/Parent Information

Camper 1 Name
First Middle Last


Date of Birth 

Hebrew Name & Birthday  
If unknown; please write time of birth and we can calculate it for you! 

School  Hebrew School  
Entering Grade in September 2024 


Camper 2 Name 
First  Middle  Last  


Date of Birth 

Hebrew Name & Birthday  
If unknown; please write time of birth and we can calculate it for you! 

School  Hebrew School  
Entering Grade in September 2024 


Camper 3 Name 
First  Middle  Last  


Date of Birth

Hebrew Name & Birthday
If unknown; please write time of birth and we can calculate it for you!

School  Hebrew School  
Entering Grade in September 2024 


Contact Info


Street  City  State  Zip 

Phone Email


Mother's Information:

Mother's Name Hebrew Name
Jewish Status 
Work Phone Cell
Occupation Work Address
Work Email  


Father's Information:

Father's Name Hebrew Name
Jewish Status 
Work Phone Cell
Occupation Work Address
Work Email



Name Phone

Does your child/ren have any allergies? Yes No 

Please download the Allergy Protocol Form for each child with any Allergies by CLICKING HERE (Right click to open in a new tab)

Camp Gan Israel requests that your child arrived to camp with sunscreen applied to all exposed areas of his/her body. However re-application of sunscreen may be necessary during the camp day.

I hereby grant permission to Gan Israel day camp counselors and staff to apply sunscreen to my child. I am aware that it is my responsibility to provide sunscreen to Gan Israel day camp.

I consent: Print Name:

I give permission to my child to be accompanied by members of the staff of Camp Gan Israel on trips off campus, for field trips or lunch outings during summer camp.

I consent: Print Name:

I hereby give consent to the administration of Camp Gan Israel to take whatever medical measures they deem necessary for my child in the event of a medical emergency.

I consent: Print Name:

I hereby give consent to the administration of Camp Gan Israel to take and post pictures of my child for camp and publicity purposes.

I consent: Print Name:

Please list anything else you would like to inform Camp Gan Israel about your child (Social/Emotional/Behavioral issues/special needs etc.):

Weeks Attending Camp:

 Week 1 (June 23 - June 27)
Week 2 (June 30 - July 4) We are closed on July 4!
Week 3 (July 7 - July 11) 
Week 4 (July 14 - July 18)
Week 5 (July 21 - July 25)
 Week 6 (July 28 - August 1)

Days Attending Camp:

Please Specify days of attendance if NOT attending full week (Preschool age only)

Camp T-Shirt size (required for trip days) $10 
My child already owns a camp t-shirt and will not be purchasing a new one  

Thank you very much.
Looking forward to a fantastic summer!

 Registration only complete upon payment of deposit